Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kristen Stewart Is a Cheater and Homewrecker and Now She Speaks!

And lousy actress to boot! But I digress…

I’m not reporting on her acting skills right now, although they are more suspect than O.J. Simpson speeding down an L.A. Highway. No, folks. I’m referring to the latest news that the world’s highest paid actress (and you don’t know how much it hurts me to type that) has been cheating on her man of several years (*cough* PR set-up* cough*), Robert Pattinson, with her director from Snow White and the Huntsman.

I guess Snow White ain’t so lily pure after all!

According to those in the know (and that care), Stewart slept with director Rupert Sanders on the set of the movie in what is being called a huge mistake by her friends.


I, for one, don’t think that Kristen is necessarily heterosexual anyway, so this news just blows me away. Secondly, not only is Kristen trickin’ it on the side, but she’s doing it with a married man? A man with two children and a wife? What a skank!

Stewart’s married fling Mr. Sanders released an apologetic statement to People saying, “I am utterly distraught about the pain I have caused my family,” he said. “My beautiful wife and heavenly children are all I have in this world, I love them with all my heart. I am praying that we can get through this together.”

I wonder what Robert Pattinson has to say about all of this. Someone go find him in that bathhouse to get his side of the story!


via The News from