Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lindsay Lohan In Another Car Accident | Celebrity VIP Lounge

Can somebody please take this chick’s driver’s license away and/or hire her a private driver? Good grief. Lindsay Lohan should not be allowed on the road. Period. No, this isn’t an old post. Freckles DID get into yet another car accident. is reporting that Lilo did a little shopping (probably with her Liz and Dick money) in Beverly Hills yesterday and when she left she rear-ended a silver Ford Mustang on Sunset Blvd…at a stoplight, mind you.

According to the site, no one was not injured in the accident and cops were NOT called to the scene.

A source told the site that, “Lindsay was NOT driving dangerously — it was merely a minor accident in bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic in the Sunset Plaza neighborhood.”

So will this affect Lilo’s probation slash court mess? Probably not. I mean seriously, when has Freckles ever really gotten into any MAJOR trouble with the law? Eye roll. What we do know is that Lilo and the other driver exchanged their insurance info inside the Chateau Marmont where she is still staying so I imagine she will probably have a bill that she most likely won’t pay hanging out in her mailbox.

Seriously. Yawn. Take the damn keys out of this girl’s hands!

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