Wednesday, September 26, 2012

GAME ON: Robert Pattinson Moved Back In ... - Celebrity VIP Lounge

Well, Kristen Stewart must be really good in bed or Robert Pattinson is just really forgiving (or doesn’t have a got damn backbone) because rumor has it that KStew and RPatz are shacked back up…together…in the same house (and probably in the same bed).

So not only was Rupert Sanders’ wife Liberty Ross spotted out and about wearing her wedding ring (immediately after the Sanders-Stewart scandal Ross took off her bling), but Pattinson and Stewart were spotted cruising around Sherman Oaks last week. Good freakin’ gawd.

Are you surprised? Well, me? Not so much. Come November, these two are going to have to be at least get along for the Breaking Dawn movie premiere and other promotions, so until then I have a sneaking suspicion K-Stew will be faking it until she is “free” from the Twilight franchise.

You know damn well that at this very moment, Twihards are breathing a big fat sigh of relief and thanking their lucky stars that Robsten is back on.

All I have to say is, wake me up when this Twilight crap is over.


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