Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Milla Jovovich Blocked Resident Evil Producers From Capitalizing ...


Whoa!! We can't believe this nearly happened!

In the wake of the unthinkable Aurora killings during the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises, a few filmmakers concocted a terrible marketing idea for their action flick.

The studio behind Resident Evil: Retribution asked franchise star Milla Jovovich to storm the Japanese theater premiering their movie with an arsenal of fake weapons and pretend to shoot the place up!!!

What the…? We cannot believe ANYONE would recommend that horribly insensitive plan of action!?

Milla admitted:

“They asked me to come out and shoot zombies in the theater. And I was like, ‘There’s absolutely no way I’m doing anything violent in a movie theater.’”

The marketing "geniuses" behind this asinine plan better thank their lucky stars Milla a class-act(ress) and a sensible person in addition to being a breathtaking beauty who can carry a poorly-written franchise on her back for a few too many films.

This could've been the marketing disaster of the century! And imagine how offended survivors and friends of the deceased would've been!

We applaud you, Milla!

And we hope whomever pushed for this terrible marketing ploy has learn from this narrowly averted disaster!

[Image via Newspix.pl/WENN.]

Tags: business blitz, dark knight rises, film flickers, japan, milla jovovich, premiere, resident evil retribution, wacky tacky and true, zombies



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