Justin Bieber is said to be planning to show all his future tours in cinemas to allow less financially advantaged fans to see his shows.

The 18-year-old singer wants to screen recordings of his gigs for at least one weekend for the price of a cinema ticket rather than charging the higher price it costs to enter arena shows.

Justin’s manager Scooter Brain told MTV News: “What we want to do is… the concerts sell out so quickly, which has really been a blessing.

“But Justin and I were talking about how there’s so many kids out there who are in a position like he was growing up who don’t have a lot of money, who aren’t able to go to concerts.

Justin Bieber on stage (WENN)

“He wants to put each one of his tours for the rest of his career in theaters for at least one weekend so that kids can go to the theater, pay their $10 and have that experience.”

And Justin could massively boost his bank balance by showing his concerts in cinemas – his 3D concert film ‘Never Say Never’ raked in a whopping $100 million at the box office worldwide.

However, manager Scooter insists the showings would be aimed at allowing Justin’s fans to see the shows rather than making money.

He said: “This is more about just giving them the concert and letting all the kids around the world for one weekend go to the concert together and then go back home and go online and share their experience.”

From www.entertainmentwise.com