Today’s Debate Topic:

Is cheating a deal breaker in a marriage or relationship? And if it is, would you tell your kids the reason for split?

Molly Weights In

This is such a deep topic… I’m not sure I can cover it in just a few short words. For me, infidelity would be really hard to get past. I’m not sure I’d ever be able to regain a trust for the cheater again (not you, Babe, I’m talking hypothetical here). I’m a hopeless romantic and never give up on love, so I may be tempted to stay. However, the broken trust would probably ruin the relationship even if I did stay.

There’s also the issue of if it was just a really bad mistake on your partner’s part that happened once (and only once!) or if the cheater is a repeat offender (or has/had a secret relationship going on behind my back). There’s a big difference if you ask me.

Add kids to the mix and that makes this an even more complicated matter. It’s not just about the marriage anymore, it’s about the entire family. In this case, it would probably come down to what is best for the children. If the infidelity leads to constant fighting, the kids may be better off if the parents split.

I look at my innocent kids’ faces right now and it breaks my heart to just imagine telling them something so awful. At their young ages, I wouldn’t tell them the reason for the split. How could they even comprehend that? As they got older and asked why Mommy and Daddy are no longer together, I’d probably tell the truth.

Phew, that was a tough one. I don’t even want to think about that anymore!

Say it Like You Mean it!

Ok, Moms: Your turn to weigh in — Would you leave your man if he cheated? And if so, would you tell your kids that’s why you left him?